About Us
Born and raised in Kitsapy Country, Washington. Des and Em grew together with creative minds, goals, and aspirations to do something special with their lives. They have always been big go getters and better when they are together.
Deserée Doty is currently studying at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. She is twenty years old and will be graduating with a Bachelor's in Communications and a Minor in Sport Management, just after being in school for only three years. This is her last year as a Division one soccer player, but not the end of her soccer career. She hopes to use her talents someday to help others. Starting in January she will be starting a five month internship at DisneyWorld, Florida.
Emma Laurion is attending George Fox University in Portland, Oregon. This is her third year at the University and also her third year of playing college soccer. She is working on a degree in international studies and has an eye for videography and photography. She is also twenty years old. In the fall of 2019, she plans to study abroad in Thailand for a semester.
Big things are coming for this duo. We'll keep you updated on the latest!