It all started in 9th grade. When we first made our public fan page called "the dynamic duo," it was pretty obvious we were destined for greatness. What started out as a soccer relationship turned into a lifelong commitment. From caravanning to sports games and being team captains, to living in New York and road tripping through the west coast on our own. We have come a long ways. In college we parted our separate ways, but our bond stayed strong. During this time we really grew as individuals with very different opinions, which only strengthened our friendship. We always knew there was more to life than the mundane and have had this urge to do something about it. What you can expect from this page is two viewpoints of best friends that have come together to share memories, stories, and advice. Don't get us wrong, we are VERY ordinary people (with iPhone pictures), but we're on a mission to make a difference in this world through our every day experiences. We want to prove that any one can do it if they have the desire. Much Love